Friday, April 30, 2010








今天,在面子书看见了一个跟我题目一样的短片---女儿是爸爸前世的情人(其实是我看了后想写一篇感想 (^.^))。看了这个短片觉得也不是什么特别啦。其实也不过是小孩在寻找安全感。安全感对于一个刚从妈妈肚皮里的一层保护膜给“吐”出来是很重要的(因为生产时就好像从口里吐东西嘛 ^^)。没有了它就没有了安全感。这是那个短片的url

回归正题,女儿是爸爸前世的情人。如果这是真的,一个有100个女儿的爸爸不就前世有100个情人?嘻嘻。。。原来爸爸前世这么“好动”的。(~^.^~ V) 我家有我跟三个姐姐。我是最小的。那么,我不就成了我爸爸的最后一个情人???哈哈。。。3 >----(乌鸦飞过)很好奇为什么这部片会跟这题目撤上关系。孩子撒娇要爸爸陪她睡为什么会撤上前世的情人呢?(神经紧张的妈妈应该会跟女儿吃醋 @。@)是因为女儿比较黏爸爸吗?还是女儿爱跟爸爸撒娇呢?那么妈妈前世的情人不就是自己现在的儿子么?哈哈。。。好好笑哦。。那么,我男朋友应该也是他妈妈的最后一个情人.(~^.^~)

看了短片,小孩子的爸想从小孩的床爬起来小孩就越爬上他的肚皮上睡.根据心理学,心脏跳动的声音是对一个胆小没有安全感的小孩最好的睡前摇篮曲.所以在小孩小时,要注意他的一举一动然后分析他为什么会这么做的原因.小时候的我也不懂有没有用过这样的撒娇方法。我都几乎把它给忘了。只是隐隐略略地记得一些但记忆很模糊根本就没有记得我几时撒娇跟为什么撒娇(记忆深刻的都是不开心的但这些都不重要啦。最重要是现在跟以后)。哈哈...希望在天上的爸爸不要觉得我不孝。嘻嘻。。。下个月跟下下个月是双亲节希望天底下的父母们过个开心没烦恼的两个月。(^.^ V) 母亲节快乐及父亲节快乐!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


今天去一间公司面试。有去过starbuck上网的人应该知道每一段时间都会有一段很可恶的广告出现阻碍你继续上网。这件公司竟然是设计这个可恶广告的始作俑者。这件公司竟然跟我说了一句话“我们不介意degree 或没有degree 我们只要一个可以呆很久的人才。我们会从头开始教无论你选择application developer,web developer or network developer最重要你喜欢哪一个有那份热心就好”“我们时间很flexible只要能够在deadline前交出东西无论有没有来公司都不重要。我们不像其他公司9点上班6点下班。你可以去上课或是做其他东西”。希望他要我这员工。但这之前我要好好拟定一个完美的时间表。希望到时我不会累倒反而可以拿到我的degree.^^

面试完后,原本想要一个人看一场浪漫电影作为今天特别的事(因为没跟男朋友看所以特别^^)却没有看变成去逛Berjaya Time Square的所有鞋店帮自己找一双"拖鞋"(拖鞋变半高跟鞋^^).因为想到买拖鞋要30++半高跟也是所以就干脆买了半高跟的来顶替真正的拖鞋咯.(^^V)而且,颜色超炫的哦.^^

想了很久的晚餐终于在auntie anne's 的小摊买了巧克力pretzel 和 lemonade(起初以为是pretzel 来的加上PB member 有优惠就order 了.傻傻的@@)然后再加上今天是星期三baskin robbin 的 pinky day 就order 了两个口味的冰淇淋作为今天的晚餐.一个是almond 的另一个是cookies and creams.结果回家时发现太过饱了.竟然还想要吐(对不起不是故意的).亏我还想要买彩色包来吃还好早不到.^^ 这就是贪吃的我...
~我的pinky baskin robbin~
~Auntie Anne's chocolate pretzel~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The moment in Wangsa Walk

This was the picture I captured when we went to wangsa walk to have our brunch.

First,Mango Chili Thai Cafe.Look at the name of the restaurant sure you know what they sell actually.Yes.They are provided Thai food for every customer.The wall decoration is full of Thai language.But,I forgotten all of the Thai language on the wall.^^ So,let's have a look what we ordered.  
~The Menu~
~My Green Curry~
Nice.But,it is spicy and make me feel like burn...
~Dear's Tomyam~
Not bad.But,not enough spice.^^

Next,Heritage House beside TGV cinema.Good location.Around is entertainment shop.Got Bowling,Karaokae and Game center.They make it like a house.Everything ok but service slow a bit.
~The Menu~
~This is called Chocolate Milk Blended I think~
Forgotten the name.Easier to make.
The ingredient is the chocolate cream on top of ice cream and ice.
But,not bad too.^^
~The decoration~
~Dear's Marmite Prawn Rice~
Nice but little prawn for a cup of rice.
~My Ma po Taufu~
This really spice like hell.Make me fire and can't finish it.

If you got a chance to this place you can have a try.^^

When the time boring

When the time boring....Title start like this of course this is N time I took my camera to captured some nonsense thing again.Nothing can be describe. It just a photo.^^
~Childhood game~
~Favorite fried yam with 年糕~ 
~Hello Panda~
~MidValley fried chicken chop~
~MidValley 章鱼烧~
No feeling when eat it.because I cannot feel the octopus inside.
Look at pasar malam jelly fish inside.yummy...^^
~This is pasar malam jelly fish 烧~
~Pasar Malam fried 鱿鱼~
~OMG!!! this is goat's milk.taste like normal milk.but not bad too.^^ ~
~HK vitasoy just import into malaysia market I think~
~Original Japan 干贝~
Biggest than the one import into Malaysia.
There is cheap but Isetan is expensive.
If wanna taste it can buy in Isetan.Nice...
~Childhood ice cream~
Dream it...
~Starbuck Hot Chocolate~
Hazelnut hot chocolate better.but this also not bad.can have a try.
Like the taste so much but it is hard to find.
~My curry goat's meat indian rice.Yummy.
From NZ
~Dear's Curry Sotong indian rice~
~Old Town's Curry Mee~
~This nasi lemak really attract me so much.
Always pass by the store sure got a feel wanna try it.Finally tried.
One word can describe.
It's so amazing....^^
~Dear's roti milo and my roti canai biasa~
What a lovely breakfast we had.^^
~Sg Wang 满满糖水黑芝麻~
Not bad.
But no more 菊花洋参须 because like drink sky juice and expensive.

Qu Taipei Restaurant

Nothing to update.So,just update some food that I tried at the restaurant called "Qu Taipei".This restaurant is quite famous in PJ.The food there not much choice but it's still ok and better than the other.The boss is a Taiwanese.Why I know?Because there have a chance I and my dear saw him drawing a brochure in the restaurant.Anyway...let's see some picture of food.^^ There was a first time and second time picture I took.
~The Menu~
~My set lunch oyster mee~
you may try it when you have sick because it may make you got appetite to eat.
~Dear's set lunch卤肉饭~
This was not bad too.but the side dish a bit too normal.^^
~The decoration~
This dish a bit like fried pork meat plus the soy source.but it's still ok.
This will make people feel thirsty.I think this has too much of ajinamoto.
But,you may try it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Eileen's Birthday Celebration - Redbox Sunway

This day we went to Sunway Pyramid to celebrated Eileen Birthday in Redbox.To avoid traffic jam, we started our journey from 4pm.Because of it was still early for the birthday celebration,so we watched a movie and had our brunch in the cinema.Both of us was hungry so we bought a tuna sandwich and a fish burger from A&W.This was forth time we watched the 3D in cinema.Compared to the previous,the 3D effect was more than the previous time when we watched Journey to the center of the earth,Final Destination,and UP.And, the story was nice and touch.(@@).Show you some of the pictures on the day.Some was taken by me and some were not.
~How to train your dragon~
~3D spec~
~Ours 3D spec look~
~Eileen's Birthday cake~
~Buffet in Redbox Sunway~
~Happy Birthday~
~All of us in the room~
This was the only one photo for all of us.
~Our modelling photo on that night with the MV of "我爱他"~
~Another version of us...^^~
Copyrighted © 2010 by Vivien Chan