This is the "diamond" house that i went last week...cause of this i gastric pain and my phone get problem.This is the few photo that i capture from the rich uncle house...the design of the house is mixed china and western culture...but china culture is more than western culture.everything in the house is over 10's amazing...the uncle explain his house decoration to us.the words he explain still add up one word behind---"only".do you imagine that the situation he explain to us?how our response?he he~~
~~this is the dragon decoration on his desk---猛龙吐珠;the desk is use the limited wood to made.whole of his house is using the extinct tree to made their furniture.
~~this the decoration beside the desk---千年人参,摇摆钟,船和一幅 年年有"鱼"图.
~~this also the dragon on his desk but this is mixed with diamond.behind the desk got a lot of history book and one dolphin decoration.
~~this is western style clock that add up a bit modern.It is a half invisible clock.This is the clock that i like when i went in this room.Chinese words said that:"一见钟情".hehe~~
~~massage 浴缸. This is designed for couple 1.It is a bigger than that time i saw in my friend house...i think is double size.^.^
~~this is a machine toilet bowl.if you sit on this toilet bowl suddenly got one plastic hand touch your buttock how do you feel?haha~~now i still curious this toilet bowl is it got that plastic hand...if got i think it is a nowadays technology that will scare everyone when went in this toilet...>.<
~~this is a sauna room that locate in the toilet too.this sauna is worth around 10 thousand you feel that is luxury in this house?
~~this is a photo that i use my phone to capture the different view of the luxury light.@.@
~~this table is weird.this is a traditional table that Chinese people usually use to make a cup of Chinese tea.look,make a cup of tea also got a "tea table".this is why people said:"享尽人生"
~~this is 池塘. this is capture in the garden.around this house got a lot 神像---观音,释迦莫尼,济公,笑佛etc.i think this is called:"风水".
this house still got a lot of amazing things to discovery.a maid room also very luxury.i think the maid also feel happy to stay in this house...the most i like in this house is the swimming pool.i cannot took the swimming pool photo because raining outside.this house is luxurious enough but it is not a dreams house for me.because i feel that this house design got a bit out of date.hehe~~sorry to the house owner.different people different thinking.maybe you thought your house is good enough but others people not.but lastly i want to send out hundred appreciate to the "diamond" and sorry to complaint your house out of date.everybody do you want take this house as your dreams house?if want,then gambateh lo.if you think you can,you can.don't wait.hurry up!!!take your time to do the best...thank you!!! $.$
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