My statistic was dead yesterday. Again...haiz~stressful.don't know what to do...bad mood.But, thanks a lot to my best friend.I got a big surprise.Thanks to found me out for drink.Almost one year no see you already my dear friend---Chee Meng. But, this time the first word come out from his mouth is "I want commit suicide".Brother, the life is still colorful don't keep think of commit suicide.No matter how tough the life now, we will still beside you to accompany you. I think nobody will do that like us because we are primary school good buddy.hehe~
A funny yesterday.He persisted to sent me back to my house.Of course is the door front my house.Told him the guard is not allowed but he persist to do that.Friend, thanks ya...saw both of you chase each other after sent me back I'm happy because my two belove friend had gain a lot unhappy in their life.Knew one of you were spent the darkness for four week i really sad of it.Why this world got this kind of dad?I cannot help.Feel myself is vulnerable. Sorry...Hui mien, you must be happy oh...I miss you~
I think this is fourth week i in tarc. Don't know what am i doing...My both best friend disagree i choose tarc. Feel like choose APIIT. But, my problem now is my mum and my brother. Would them allowed me to do this decision?This time my college is far than the previous one. Maybe got to stay there for two years for study.I scared to face the new life there. Go there will nobody can help me and lead me.Before go tarc, I'm happy because i thought i can same class with my bf.But,idiot tarc offer me diploma year 2.Feel that I'm rubbish wasting my time in it and study again the subject i had learned.haizz....If go to APIIT, i will lost a lot of chance to meet my bf again.We will not got the time to see each other like now.Hope he can go with me but i no want to be selfish. That's hard to let me make a decision i want.God...could you help me show me some tips?
Thanks a lot to Wei Chang also.Thanks to support me.That day in msn told me those thing i will keep in mind.I will choose a better way for my own.No matter how tough of my life i knew all of you will stand beside me.New Zealand i cannot go with you all.But, Australia i will and must go with you all.Please wait for me ya~
~Friend Forever!!!~
Below is a few photo that capture when my bf convocation.Next time is my turn oh.Must see it.hahaha~I'm waiting for my convocation.I want to meet my best friend in my college.hehe~
~The present i gave to my bf's convocation.Contain:3 chocolate,3 blue heart,3 sun flower, and two bear.
~The present i gave to eugene.
~The present from my bf's brother to my bf.
Next, is a photo when taken in the zouk club.This is a great experience we go into the club to feel the music and the "event" feel.Lastly, mention again.We are not clubbing.We are just go for the event.Clubbing??Next time la.Sure will got the chance one.hehe~
~M3 and those Reliance College's friends.
~My house mate plus best friend --- queenzy(behind) with m3 and my bf